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The Pages & Files manager is a great way to see what is on your workspace, but you may want to explore the pages available to you on your workspace without navigating away from the current page.  The Navigator on the right hand side of your workspace in view mode accomplishes just this.




Important Note: If you don't see the Navigator in the right panel, your workspace Administrator may have hidden it using the Customization settings.  The Administrators of the workspace must check "Show Navigator" option in the workspace's Customization setting in order for users to use the Navigator.


By using the Navigator, you can explore which files are available to you without navigating away from the current page. 


When you first see the Navigator, you'll see it lists the folders in the pages that are in the same folder of the page you are currently viewing.  If a page is not in any folder, then all the folders are listed and the pages are listed beneath that list of folders.


As seen here, the page called "Schedule 4-2010" was not in any folder, so it was listed along with the list of folders.



If the listing is especially long, you can click on the handle on the lower border of the Navigator and extend it to whatever size you need.




Using the Navigator

If the page you're viewing is not in a folder, you'll see the navigator looks like this. By clicking each of the folders, you'll see the contents of each of these, without navigating away from the page you're currently viewing.



Once you click on a folder in the Navigator, it will change to show you the contents of the folder or category you've clicked.  This is the default view of the Navigator, when viewing a page that is already in a folder (it will show you the other pages in the folder by default).



The back button takes you to the root of the                                   The Options button takes you to the folder

Navigator.                                                                                     in the Pages and Files manager.



Starred Items

If you're a member of the workspace, then you have the option to "star" a page.  This makes a special bookmark which is saved only for you.  The starred items list is different for every logged in user, because they've starred different pages.


The stars you've placed on your items also show when viewing the pages inside a folder.  In the example below, the starred pages are shown with star icons on the left hand side of the Navigator pane.



When you click on a folder, you'll see just the contents of that folder.  By default, you'll only see the pages in the folder.  To see the files, just click on the "Files" button inside the Navigator.


Click here to see the files in the folder




Folder with just pages shown. Same folder, with files shown.



When you hover over an image file in the navigator with your mouse, you'll see a preview for the image appear: