File Security
Note: This feature is only enabled on premium educational workspaces.
- To access the page security of any page, first, view the page you want to set security on. To quickly find the page on a workspace, click the "Pages & Files" tab.

- When viewing the page you need to set special security on, in the right side of the page, you'll see a link to "Control access to this page". If this link is not available to you, then you are not logged in as an Administrator on the workspace. Only Administrators on a workspace can set page and folder security.

- By default, the page is set to default security, meaning anyone in the users list can access the page. You can click the "Who can see this page with default security?" link to see which users are able to see the page. Additionally, the Workspace Security setting could make it so that anyone has access to the page. If the workspace Administrator has made it so only users invited can see the workspace in the Workspace Security setting, then only users in the Users list of the workspace will be able to see the page with default security.

Pages can also be "Locked" so that only users with Administrator permission will be allowed to edit the page. All other users will be allowed to view the page, but editing will only be allowed for Administrators. Click the "Who can see this page when locked?" to see which users have access to the locked page.

Pages can also be "Hidden" so that only users with Administrator permission will be allowed to view or edit the page. Click the "Who can see this page when hidden?" to see which users have access to the locked page. Remember, users with Administrator access to the workspace OR the network are not able to be locked out of any content, including hidden pages.

By clicking the option to "Custom Security" this makes the page private to everyone that is not on the Custom Security list. When you first set Custom Security, only the Administrators will have access to the page, because workspace Administrators cannot be blocked from any content in the workspace.

The "All other workspace users" entry is set to "No access" by default, but you can change this by setting that entry to a different option. To make sure all other users of the workspace have the same access, just set the option to "Default security". Then, whatever a role a user has in the users list will be the permission level they have on the page.

To add a non-Administrator user to the list, select a user from the drop-down menu, and click the "Add User" button.

When a non-Administrator user is in the Page Security list, you can designate a permission they will have for the page. This means that on this particular page, they will have the permission level you've set for them in this setting. This permission level can be set differently than their level in the users list, so you can have a situation where a user is a Reader for the entire workspace (meaning they would only be able to view content), but allow them to Edit content on one specific page (the page you're setting custom security on).

File Security
Tip: To turn text into a link, highlight the text, then click on a page or file from the list above.