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Document Import

My PBworks
Creating Pages
Document Import 
Editing Pages
Page History
Sharing Pages
Deleting Pages
Copy this Page
Page Security
Moving Pages
Printable Version
Workspace Settings
Administrative Functions

Note:  This feature is only enabled on premium workspaces.   

You can create a new workspace page based off an existing document.  Note that the resulting page may differ somewhat from the original document since the format has changed.  Known differences are noted below.  This process creates a new workspace page and does not upload the document to your workspace.  Later changes made to the page will not be reflected in the original document. 


  1. Go to "Create a page."

  2. Click on "more options" if the additional page creation options are not visible.

  3. Under "Page Content", select "Import a document" and click the Browse button.


  4. Select the file from your file system that you'd like to convert into a workspace page.


  5. Edit the name of the page, as desired.


  6. Select a folder in your workspace for the new page, as desired.

  7. Click "Create page".


  8. Once the file is imported, you'll be taken to the new page in edit mode.  Edit the page as necessary and save.


Importable Document Types


Text Documents

Supported Formats: Microsoft Word (.doc, .docx), OpenDocument Text (.odt), WordPerfect (.wpd), Plain text (.txt), Rich Text Format (.rtf)

This will create a single workspace page with the content of the text document.  Any embedded images in the document will be uploaded to the workspace as files and embedded in the new workspace page.  Imported content includes:

  • Text
  • Text styling
    • Note that the text style in your document will be preserved and mapped to the text style in the workspace, i.e. "Header 1" text in the document may look different on the PBworks page if the "Header 1" style is different in the workspace from the original document.
  • Text formatting (e.g. bold, italics, underline, font, size, color)
  • Embedded images
  • Tables
  • Bulleted text
  • Embedded external links (URLs)
  • Header & Footer from first page of document


  • Background colors on text and table cells
  • Header and footer from second and later pages of document




Supported Formats: Microsoft Excel (.xls, .xlsx), OpenDocument Spreadsheet (.ods), Comma-Separated Values (.csv)

This will create a single workspace page with a table containing the contents of all sheets in the spreadsheet document.  Note that this imports data and does not import any logic, such as formulas, pivot tables, etc.  Any embedded images in the document will be uploaded to the workspace as files and embedded in the new workspace page.  Imported content includes:

  • All spreadsheet cell values
  • Formatting of cell content (e.g. bold, italics, underline, font, size, color)
  • All embedded charts and images
  • Embedded external links (URLs)
  • Merged cells
  • All sheets


  • Formulas
  • Pivot tables
  • Background colors on text and cells