
Pages and Files Manager

My PBworks
Pages and Files Manager
Creating Folders 
Moving Folders
Deleting Folders
Folder Security
Renaming Content
Uploading Files
Moving Files
File Preview
File Revisions
File Security
Workspace Settings
Administrative Functions


The PBworks Pages and Files Manager allows users to quickly organize their content and easily access uploaded pages and files.  Click the links to the left for more information on creating folders, moving folders within a workspace, deleting folders and applying folder security on upgraded spaces.



The Pages and Files manager is completely integrated with the PBworks security system, and only gives your users access to the content that is available to them. There is no method to hide the pages and files manager from any user, nor is it a good practice to assume that a file is "hidden" from a user inside a folder without applying the appropriate file security or folder security.


Administrators of workspaces using the free service do not have access to set custom security for pages, folders, or files so any user in any workspace using the free version has equal access to all files and the file manager.


Additionally, if you are an Administrator, check the Workspace Security setting of your workspace to see who can view your workspace.  If the question of "Who can view this workspace?" is set to "Anyone," then your pages and files are publicly available. 


Workspace Storage


The amount of storage space you have left on your workspace is shown in the pages and files manager.  The limit in Classroom Edition is 40 GB, while all free educational editions have 2 GB of storage space.  The green bar at the bottom indicates how much space is left on the workspace graphically.




     In the upper right corner of the Pages & Files manager are filters which allow you to filter your pages and files by three criteria:









All Pages

By default, when you first click the Pages & Files tab, all pages are brought into view.  These are regular workspace pages, that can be edited from within the browser.


All Files

Click "All Files" to see all the files that you've uploaded regardless of folder.  This is good to use if you're trying to find a specific file.


Unfiled Items

Click Unfiled Items to see the files that are not in any folder.  This view is useful to see what content has not been organized into folders.

Tip: Not all content needs to be placed in Folders.  Pictures embedded into pages usually don't need to be in a folder, unless there's some custom security that needs to be applied to the file.



Folders allow you to better organize your workspace pages into categories.   The folders are listed alphabetically, along the left hand side of the Pages and Files Manager.  Click on each folder to see the pages and files inside that particular folder.









Drag-and-drop access

Pages and files seen in the listing can easily be moved into folders, if you have the privileges on the workspace to do so.  Just click and hold any page or file you see, and then drag it over to the folder you want to place it in.  Release the click to drop the page or file in the folder.  Of course, you need to be logged in as an Administrator or Editor (with sufficient privileges on the workspace) to move pages and files around in the workspace.  Writers can move pages into folders, but cannot move any page out of a folder.


File and page count

The number to the right of each folder is the total count of pages and files in the folder.  Of course, it only shows the number of pages and files the logged in user has access to.  If you've put special page-level security on a page, it won't appear in this count.


Add a folder

Click the "add" icon in the folders area to add a folder.  A new folder will appear in the list, and you'll be able to replace the default name with the name of the folder you want.  Press Return or Enter on your keyboard to set the name.  Only Editors and Administrators can add folders to a workspace.








Use the search box in the upper right corner of the pages and files area to search based on the names of pages or files.  This search box does not perform a comprehensive search of the content of pages and files, it only presents matches on the page and file names.  To use this search box, simply type in what you are looking for and hit Enter or Return on your keyboard.