Google Gadget
- Go into Edit mode on your workspace by clicking the "Edit" tab:

- Click the "Insert" button, in the editor toolbar, and choose the "Google Gadget" plugin from the "More Plugins -> HTML & Gadgets" category:

- Paste the embed code into plugin box and click the Next button. Note: This plugin only accepts Google Gadgets hosted at the gmodules.com domain. Administrators can use the HTML/JavaScript plugin to insert other other kinds of HTML code on a workspace page.

- Click "Insert Plugin" and "Save" your workspace page.

Locating the Google Gadget code
- From the Google Gadget window, click the "Google Gadget Directory" link.

- The "Add it now" button you see will add the gadget to your iGoogle homepage, which won't effect your PBworks page. To locate the code you need, you must click on either the picture or the name of the gadget (areas highlighted below).

- Click on "Embed this gadget" in the lower right corner of the page when you're viewing it.

- Here, you can set options as to how the plugin will look on your site. When editing the options, click the "Get the Code" button.

- Select and copy the entire code that appears below that button. Note: The code is much longer that what is displayed in your browser so make sure you copy all of the text inside this box when you get the code.

- Follow the instructions above to embed the code into your page.
Google Gadget
Tip: To turn text into a link, highlight the text, then click on a page or file from the list above.