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My PBworks
Creating Pages
Document Import
Editing Pages
Linking Pages
Adding Images
Editor Right Panel
Using Plugins
Describe Your Changes

PBworks Editor

Standard Text Formatting
Clipboard Functions
Text Color
Bullets and Numbering
Alignment of Text
Insert Menu
Add Link
Font Formatting
Spell Check
Horizontal Rule
Remove Formatting
Source Editing Mode
Full Screen Editing
Cropping Images
Page History
Sharing Pages
Deleting Pages
Copy this Page
Page Security
Moving Pages
Printable Version
Workspace Settings
Administrative Functions



Add a table

  1. Click the "Table" button in the editing toolbar.


  2. A menu should appear which lets you set the height and width of your table.  Clicking on any of the cells in this menu will cause your table to appear.


  3. Simply click in any cell to begin typing in your data. 




Adding and deleting rows or columns

Note: If the context menu fails to appear, place your cursor inside the table cell, and then click the Table button in the editor instead.  All the same options are available in that menu.

  1. Right click in the area of the table where you wish to add a row or column.
  2. Choose "Insert Row" or "Insert Column" from the appropriate sub menu.  You can also use this submenu to delete the selected column or row.





Row and column sizing

  1. While you are in editing mode, right click (or Control+click on the Mac) on a cell that is in the row or column that you wish to adjust.
  2. Choose Table cell Properties, in the Cell submenu, as shown:

  3. You will see a dialog that allows you to set the cell width or height. Changing the width or height of a cell changes the width of a column and the height of a row.  However, the size of any content inside these cells will override these values.



Setting background colors

  1. After you place a table, edit the page and left-click on a table cell to choose it. You can then  right-click and select cell > cell properties.

  2. Click on the color wheel for the Background Color:

  3. Choose the color you want the background to be.  Use lighter colors so that you can still see text on top of it.  Use the slider on the right hand side to navigate through the colors and then use the large box to choose the exact color.  You can also use the text box to define a precise HTML color value.

  4. Click OK to set the color, and then Save Changes, in the Cell properties window, to return to editing your table.  Remember to save the page you're working on to save the changes you've made to the table.

Here's an example table.








Table sorting


Note:  Table sorting does not affect the sorting of the data in the table for every viewer.  It just allows viewers of your page to sort the data themselves, by clicking on the head of each column of your table.  This way, viewers can sort the data however they want, without affecting the table for other users of the wiki.


  1. Right click on your table and select Table Properties.

  2. Check the box labeled "Allow Sorting" to enable this feature. 

  3. Save the page.


Please note that table sorting is case sensitive. The table will alphabetize capitalized words first, then lowercase.


In View mode, clicking each of the header cells causes the table rows to sort based on the selected column. Clicking again will toggle between ascending and descending order.









3 Carol


Deleting a table

  1. Click inside the table you wish to delete by clicking inside one of the cells.
  2. Right-click (Control+click on the Mac) for the table menu and select "Delete table."



Table Rules

HTML documents on the internet do not follow exactly the same behavior as classic word processor programs, particularly when it comes to word wrapping.  While those programs are preparing documents for a printed page, the resolution of a screen a user is using to access a page on the internet can vary greatly, and so controlling exactly where the text wraps is not a good option for most documents.  While the format may look good for the editor, it may look different for someone else's screen.


In order to control the layout of pages and images insert a table, and disable the borders.  Please note, that the width of images and text that cannot be broken will override exact pixel measurements you set in table and cell properties of a table.  For example, in the table below the "Antidisestablishmentarianism" cell is defined as being only one pixel wide, but since it is not possible to represent that long word in one pixel, the cell expands to fit the string.  This also impacts the width of the column.


Text along the sides


  Text along the sides
Caption along the bottom