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  • You already know Dokkio is an AI-powered assistant to organize & manage your digital files & messages. Very soon, Dokkio will support Outlook as well as One Drive. Check it out today!


Adding Images

My PBworks
Creating Pages
Document Import
Editing Pages
Linking Pages
Adding Images
Editor Right Panel
Using Plugins
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PBworks Editor

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Printable Version
Workspace Settings
Administrative Functions


  1. Go into "Edit Mode" on any page by clicking the edit tab.


  2. Click "Images and Files" tab under the "Insert Links" "Page Tool" on the right-side of your screen.



  3. Click the Upload Files, which will cause a browser window to appear.


  4. When you locate the file, click on it, and then click “Open”.  You can select up to ten files to upload at one time.

    After uploading, the file will appear in your file list. 


  5. Click on the text of the file name to insert it into your workspace.   If it's an image file, (PNG, JPEG, or GIF), it will be inserted as an image wherever the cursor is located in the editor.  If it's any other kind of file, then the file will be inserted as a link.


Changing an image's size


You can set precise pixel values for any image, just follow these steps:


  1. Right-click any image while in edit mode.  You should see an "Edit Image" option appear where you clicked.  This option will only appear while you are in edit mode.




  2. Click on Edit Image, and the Edit Image options will appear.  With this, you can set precise pixel amounts for the height and width of images.




Note: If you want to see a list of your files and pictures without going into "Edit" mode, click the “Pages and Files” tab while viewing the workspace.



For more information on the Pages and Files manager, click here.