
Deleting Pages

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Deleting Pages


Important: Deleting pages and files is an irreversible action, and once a page or file has been deleted it cannot be recovered.  The backups we make of your workspace are in the event of catastrophic system failure, and cannot be used to retrieve specific pages and files on your workspace.  In order to minimize the risk of deletion, you may want to put your users' permission level to "Writer."  Writers can edit pages and add files, but cannot delete.


Please delete carefully, and at your own risk.


Method 1

  1. Click the Pages & Files tab on your workspace:

  2. Find the page or file you want to delete in the list.  If you need to delete a single page or file, click the more button and then click to Delete the item.  

    You can check more than one page or file if you want to delete more than one page or file at a time.  If you need to delete more than one page or file, check the checkboxes next to each item, and then click the Delete button at the top of the list.


  3. You'll also have to click a dialogue box to make sure you want to delete the page or file.  The confirm dialog will tell you how many pages you're about to delete.  Click the "OK" button in the confirm dialog box to delete the page or file.

  4. Please note that all links to the deleted page will be broken.  You can find which pages link to the deleted page by doing a Search for "src:<page name>" (with spaces in the page name replaced with +s), and then remove the links from each page.


Method 2 (Deleting Pages)

  1. On the page you want to delete, enter edit mode, by clicking Edit.

  2. To the right, above the insert links box, are the page tools to rename and delete a page, click "Delete this page".

  3. Because this action is only for one page, the confirm dialog looks a bit different.  Click "OK" to delete the page.