Delete Workspace
Deleting your workspace is a serious matter, and so make sure you understand all of the consequences of deleting your workspace:
- All of your pages and files will be deleted permanently
- All of your users will lose access to the page immediately
- Your workspace name is retired permanently and cannot be used again.
- This is a hard-limit in our system. If you create a workspace, you're actually creating a subdomain of PBworks.com, and nobody, including yourself, can create that same workspace name again.
- All workspace deletions are final and cannot be undone. As seen here, the only way to start the deletion process is to request it through the settings, and click a customized link through an email sent by our service.
If you still want to delete your workspace, follow these instructions:
- Click "Settings" in the upper right corner. If you don't see the "Settings" link, this means you are not logged in as the owner, and cannot delete the workspace.
- Click Delete... on the left hand side.
- Fill out the form, and click the "Start deletion process" button.
- You'll receive an email with a link you must click. Click the link indicated inside this email.
- On the page that link brings you to, click the "here" link to delete your workspace.
Delete Workspace
Tip: To turn text into a link, highlight the text, then click on a page or file from the list above.