Upgrade note: This feature is only available in the Classroom and Campus Editions of PBworks. Upgrade your workspace if you want this feature to be enabled for your workspace.
The CSS and Javascript setting of any workspace can be accessed by clicking the Settings link in the upper right corner, and then "CSS & Javascipt" on the left hand side. Advanced users can use this setting to change the page display by inserting their own custom CSS.
Important note: The CSS and Javascript put in this box will be put at the top of every page in your workspace. This may interfere with the editor or page display. If any of your custom code causes any problems with the editor or function of the site, simply access the settings of the workspace and take out the code you have put in. The custom code will not be run on the settings page of your workspace.
If your custom code hides the settings tab from view, you can manually navigate to your CSS settings here (replace the red text with your workspace name):