Upgrade note: This setting is only available in the Classroom and Campus Editions of PBworks. Upgrade your workspace to set a logo for your workspace.
The logo upload is a feature of premium workspaces which allows users to set their own logo in the workspace title. The logo completely replaces the workspace title, so if you still want the workspace title to show, you must include that text in the image file you're uploading. The image you're uploading can be as wide as you want, however, PBworks will automatically resize your image if it exceeds 40 pixels in height.
For best results, resize your image to 40 pixels in height using your own image editor. That way, you can be sure that the image you submit for the logo will be the same as the image that gets used.
You can add a logo to your workspace by clicking on "Settings" in the upper right corner of your workspace, and then clicking on "Logo" on the left hand side.
Here you can upload an image file for your workspace's logo by clicking on the "Browse" button, selecting the file from your computer, and then clicking on the "Upload" button to send the logo to your workspace (see image below). Supported logo file formats include .jpg, .gif, and .png.